Energy Efficient Time Tabling Workshop, 20 February 2018, Brussels

The UIC Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions Expert Network is happy to invite you to take part in the workshop "Energy efficient time table planning" that will be held in Brussels on 20 February 2017 in Infrabel, near Brussels-Midi station.


Eco-driving, eco-stabling and measuring energy consumption and savings have been at the core of our discussions and workshops over the past years.
At the earliest stage of the train production lie potentials for energy savings : the timetabling step.

An efficient timetable is indeed regarded as a timetable without conflicts and with some spare time, which in real operation can be used to return to a punctual running of trains.

By avoiding conflicts and stops, the robustness of the timetable also has a significant impact on the energy consumption of the global system as spare time can be used by Driving Advisory Systems or Automatic Train Operation to reduce energy consumption and energy costs.

The goal of this workshop is thus a first attempt to break new grounds with a view to achieve greater energy efficiency by means of optimised timetabling.

If the participants confirm their interest in digging deeper into the topic, other related events could then be organized.

Workshop highlights

  • Influence of a time table planning on energy efficiency
  • Experience from other transport modes, e.g. aviation (Ralph Luijt, NS);
  • Presentation of specific software and IT systems
    • TTG Timetabling solution (B. Lambla, P. Pudney)
    • Applications to verify the robustness of time tables: the case of Infrabel, (F. Weimann, ViaCon)
  • Experiences from Railway undertakings and Infrastructure Managers: ProRail (A. Meijerink, NS (G. Scheepmaker), RZD (Yu. Anfinogenov A.), DB Netz (
    T. Weidner) , Lineas (M. Sterckx), NMBS-SNCB (Chr. Tassin); ...
  • Beyond the state-of-the art: Open discussion.

Click on the icon below to download the draft programme

Programme of UIC Energy Efficient Time Tabling Workshop, Brussels, 20 Febr. 2018

- PDF - 187.8 kb



Practical information will be made available soon. The workshop will be held in the premises of Infrabel located in the vicinity of the Brussels-Midi station.


Click on the icons below to download the presentations.

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Wednesday 20 December 2017