CALL FOR PAPERS, ILCAD 2 June 2017, Montréal, Québec, CANADA

Call for abstracts, ILCAD 2017 International Conference, Montréal, Canada

The Railway Association of Canada (RAC) and the International Union of Railways (UIC), are pleased to be co-hosting the 9th International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD) on June 2, 2017, in Montreal, Canada. This conference attracts railway industry representatives, road authorities, academics, and many others from around the world who are working to raise awareness about the dangers surrounding level crossings.
This international conference launches the annual worldwide level crossing safety campaign. In 2016 UIC was proud to bring together over 40 countries to participate in this global event, either by relaying it on their websites or on social media, or by organising a range of activities around ILCAD day.
For more info visit

For the 2017 Edition we are currently seeking abstracts related to:

  • Technology – What technologies could help to educate people, raise awareness, and ultimately prevent accidents at level crossings?
  • Distractions – We live in an age of multi-tasking, with distractions coming from smartphones, video-games, and other electronic gadgets, as well as stress, fatigue, and other factors. What new initiatives are there to counter ubiquitous distractions?
  • Suicide prevention - What measures exist or could be put in place to prevent suicide on railway tracks or at crossings? What supports are in place for those affected by suicide (i.e. victims’ families, conductors, and locomotive engineers)? Are more resources needed, and if so, what?
  • Enforcement/Regulations – Canada recently mandated the sharing of information about road and railway design speeds, approaching gradient and other configuration and operation aspects, between railways and municipalities to improve the safety of crossing designs. What other initiatives or technologies would help to keep level crossings as safe as possible?
  • Community outreach – What are the best means of making young adults (18-34) aware of the safety risks at crossings?

If you wish to submit an abstract, please fill in this form:

For any further information please contact

Deadline to submit your abstract is February 20, 2017.

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Wednesday 4 January 2017